Call To Order: Pledge Of Allegiance: Roll Call:
“At this time the Commission may announce any items being pulled from the agenda or continued to another date or request the moving of an item on the agenda.”
1.Planning Commission Meeting - Minutes April 19, 2023 2.Planning Commission Meeting - Minutes May 3, 2023
Public Comments (Non-Agenda Items)
“The public may address the Commission on any item of interest to the public that is not on the agenda, but is within the subject matter jurisdiction thereof. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes.”
Public Hearing Calendar (Quasi-Judicial)
3.City of Coachella Zoning Consistency Update - General Plan Amendment No. 23-03 and Zoning Ordinance Amendment No. 22-03 4.Santa Rosa Business Park LLC – GPA No. 23-01, EA No. 23-01 General Plan Amendment No. 23-01 is a proposal to change the General Plan Land Use designation of a 38.8-acre site located at the southeast corner of Avenue 54 and Tyler from the existing Urban Employment Center designation to the Industrial District designation. Environmental Assessment No. 23-01 is a proposed addendum to the General Plan Update EIR in connection with this project. Applicant: Mahlon Tobias. 5.Tripoli Mixed-Use Project (Third Proposed Revisions) Third proposed amendment to Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 351 and Architectural Review (AR) 22-04 for the PUD (Planned Unit Development) Overlay Zone guidelines, design revisions and modifications to conditions of approval for a mixed-use development consisting of 108 apartment units and four retail units on 2.8 acres of vacant C-G (General Commercial) zoned property at the northeast corner of Cesar Chavez Street and Bagdad Avenue (APN# 778-081-003 and -001) Applicant: Chelsea Investment Corporation 6.Coachella Airport Business Park Change of Zone, CZ 20-01, from MH to MS and CG; Tentative Parcel Map 37921; CUP 324 – to allow commercial cannabis uses; CUP 325 to allow drive through restaurant; CUP 326 to allow service station and mini-mart; and AR 20-04 to approve site design, architecture and signage (billboard). The project includes 629,000± square feet of industrial and commercial square footage in multiple buildings, as well as a future Imperial Irrigation District (IID) substation. The site is located at the northwest corner of Airport Boulevard and SR 86 (APN# APN 763-330-013, 763-330-018, 763-330-029).
Informational: 7.Development Services Future Agenda 8.Director Comments Adjournment:
Call To Order: Pledge Of Allegiance: Roll Call:
“At this time the Commission may announce any items being pulled from the agenda or continued to another date or request the moving of an item on the agenda.”
1.Planning Commission Meeting - Minutes April 19, 2023 2.Planning Commission Meeting - Minutes May 3, 2023
Public Comments (Non-Agenda Items)
“The public may address the Commission on any item of interest to the public that is not on the agenda, but is within the subject matter jurisdiction thereof. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes.”
Public Hearing Calendar (Quasi-Judicial)
3.City of Coachella Zoning Consistency Update - General Plan Amendment No. 23-03 and Zoning Ordinance Amendment No. 22-03 4.Santa Rosa Business Park LLC – GPA No. 23-01, EA No. 23-01 General Plan Amendment No. 23-01 is a proposal to change the General Plan Land Use designation of a 38.8-acre site located at the southeast corner of Avenue 54 and Tyler from the existing Urban Employment Center designation to the Industrial District designation. Environmental Assessment No. 23-01 is a proposed addendum to the General Plan Update EIR in connection with this project. Applicant: Mahlon Tobias. 5.Tripoli Mixed-Use Project (Third Proposed Revisions) Third proposed amendment to Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 351 and Architectural Review (AR) 22-04 for the PUD (Planned Unit Development) Overlay Zone guidelines, design revisions and modifications to conditions of approval for a mixed-use development consisting of 108 apartment units and four retail units on 2.8 acres of vacant C-G (General Commercial) zoned property at the northeast corner of Cesar Chavez Street and Bagdad Avenue (APN# 778-081-003 and -001) Applicant: Chelsea Investment Corporation 6.Coachella Airport Business Park Change of Zone, CZ 20-01, from MH to MS and CG; Tentative Parcel Map 37921; CUP 324 – to allow commercial cannabis uses; CUP 325 to allow drive through restaurant; CUP 326 to allow service station and mini-mart; and AR 20-04 to approve site design, architecture and signage (billboard). The project includes 629,000± square feet of industrial and commercial square footage in multiple buildings, as well as a future Imperial Irrigation District (IID) substation. The site is located at the northwest corner of Airport Boulevard and SR 86 (APN# APN 763-330-013, 763-330-018, 763-330-029).
Informational: 7.Development Services Future Agenda 8.Director Comments Adjournment: