Call To Order: Pledge Of Allegiance: Roll Call:
Selection of Planning Commission Chair and Vice-Chair.
“At this time the Commission may announce any items being pulled from the agenda or continued to another date or request the moving of an item on the agenda.”
1. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes February 15, 2023
2. Coachella Wireless Telecommunications Facilities Inventory and Status Update
Public Hearing Calendar (Quasi-Judicial)
3. Architectural Review No. 22-07
Informational: Adjournment
Call To Order: Pledge Of Allegiance: Roll Call:
Selection of Planning Commission Chair and Vice-Chair.
“At this time the Commission may announce any items being pulled from the agenda or continued to another date or request the moving of an item on the agenda.”
1. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes February 15, 2023
2. Coachella Wireless Telecommunications Facilities Inventory and Status Update
Public Hearing Calendar (Quasi-Judicial)
3. Architectural Review No. 22-07
Informational: Adjournment