CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: VIRTUAL PUBLIC MEETINGS: 1. Resolution No. 2023-06 a Resolution to Continue Fully or Partially Virtual Public Meetings (AB 361) APPROVAL OF AGENDA: “At this time the Council/ Board/Corporation/Authority may announce any items being pulled from the Agenda or continued to another date or request the moving of an item on the agenda” PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:
4. Meeting Minutes of January 25, 2023, of the City Council, Coachella Fire Protection District, Coachella Sanitary District, Coachella Financing Authority, Coachella Educational and Governmental Access Cable Corporation, Coachella Water Authority, and Successor Agency to the Coachella Redevelopment Agency. 5. Approval of Amendment Number One to the Reimbursement Agreement with the Coachella Valley Association of Governments for Avenue 48 Arts and Music Line Project Design 6. Authorization to file a Notice of Completion for City Project No. S-24, Avenue 48 and Harrison Street Sewer Improvements 7. Voucher Listing- EFT's/FY 2022-23 Expenditures as of February 8, 2023, $3,353,914.91. 8. Authorize operation of a beer garden on Saturday, March 25, 2023 from 5pm-9pm at Veterans Memorial Park for the 2023 Coachella Mariachi Festival. 9. Authorize City Manager to execute a letter agreement with Zambelli Fireworks for a special event pyrotechnic program for the City’s 2023 Fourth of July program, in the amount not to exceed $45,000.
Discussion on Commission Member Appointments
The public may address the City Council/Board/Corporation/ Authority on any item of interest to the public that is not on the agenda but is in the subject matter jurisdiction thereof. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes
Council Comments/Report of Miscellaneous Committees. City Manager’s Comments. Adjournment
CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: VIRTUAL PUBLIC MEETINGS: 1. Resolution No. 2023-06 a Resolution to Continue Fully or Partially Virtual Public Meetings (AB 361) APPROVAL OF AGENDA: “At this time the Council/ Board/Corporation/Authority may announce any items being pulled from the Agenda or continued to another date or request the moving of an item on the agenda” PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:
4. Meeting Minutes of January 25, 2023, of the City Council, Coachella Fire Protection District, Coachella Sanitary District, Coachella Financing Authority, Coachella Educational and Governmental Access Cable Corporation, Coachella Water Authority, and Successor Agency to the Coachella Redevelopment Agency. 5. Approval of Amendment Number One to the Reimbursement Agreement with the Coachella Valley Association of Governments for Avenue 48 Arts and Music Line Project Design 6. Authorization to file a Notice of Completion for City Project No. S-24, Avenue 48 and Harrison Street Sewer Improvements 7. Voucher Listing- EFT's/FY 2022-23 Expenditures as of February 8, 2023, $3,353,914.91. 8. Authorize operation of a beer garden on Saturday, March 25, 2023 from 5pm-9pm at Veterans Memorial Park for the 2023 Coachella Mariachi Festival. 9. Authorize City Manager to execute a letter agreement with Zambelli Fireworks for a special event pyrotechnic program for the City’s 2023 Fourth of July program, in the amount not to exceed $45,000.
Discussion on Commission Member Appointments
The public may address the City Council/Board/Corporation/ Authority on any item of interest to the public that is not on the agenda but is in the subject matter jurisdiction thereof. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes
Council Comments/Report of Miscellaneous Committees. City Manager’s Comments. Adjournment