“At this time the Commission may announce any items being pulled from the agenda or continued to another date or request the moving of an item on the agenda.”
1. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes January 4, 2023
Public Comment (Non-Agenda Items)
“The public may address the Commission on any item of interest to the public that is not on the agenda, but is within the subject matter jurisdiction thereof. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes.”
2. Coachella Vineyards TTM No. 37040, CUP No. 266, AR No. 16-03 Coachella Vineyards - One-Year Time Extension Request for a project consisting of a 200 room hotel, 100 townhomes and 188 RV units at the NEC of Tyler Street and Vista Del Norte (Applicant: Abraham Gottlieb)
Public Hearing Calendar (Quasi-Judicial)
3. City of Coachella 6th Cycle Housing Element – Continue to date uncertain General Plan Amendment No. 21-02 and Environmental Assessment No. 22-03 for consideration of the City of Coachella 6th Cycle Housing Element
4. Lee Anderson’s Covalda Date Company – Historical Information ADJOURNMENT:
“At this time the Commission may announce any items being pulled from the agenda or continued to another date or request the moving of an item on the agenda.”
1. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes January 4, 2023
Public Comment (Non-Agenda Items)
“The public may address the Commission on any item of interest to the public that is not on the agenda, but is within the subject matter jurisdiction thereof. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes.”
2. Coachella Vineyards TTM No. 37040, CUP No. 266, AR No. 16-03 Coachella Vineyards - One-Year Time Extension Request for a project consisting of a 200 room hotel, 100 townhomes and 188 RV units at the NEC of Tyler Street and Vista Del Norte (Applicant: Abraham Gottlieb)
Public Hearing Calendar (Quasi-Judicial)
3. City of Coachella 6th Cycle Housing Element – Continue to date uncertain General Plan Amendment No. 21-02 and Environmental Assessment No. 22-03 for consideration of the City of Coachella 6th Cycle Housing Element
4. Lee Anderson’s Covalda Date Company – Historical Information ADJOURNMENT: