CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: VIRTUAL PUBLIC MEETINGS: 1. Resolution No. 2022-93 a Resolution to Continue Fully or Partially Virtual Public Meetings (AB 361) APPROVAL OF AGENDA: “At this time the Council/ Board/Corporation/Authority may announce any items being pulled from the Agenda or continued to another date or request the moving of an item on the agenda” PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:
2. Recognition of Coachella Valley High School Fall Sports: Cross Country Football Girls Golf Girls Tennis Girls Volleyball 3. Proclamation Recognizing Code Enforcement Officer Appreciation Week 4. Imperial Irrigation District (IID) Energy Assistance Programs 5. Presentation from College of the Desert, PaCE: Free CVAG and CVWD Online Landscaping Certification Training for Landscapers Applying for or Renewing a Business License 6. Landscape and Lighting Maintenance Districts (LLMD) 33 Pocket Park Design 7. Frontier Fiber Project
(It is recommended that Consent Items be acted upon simultaneously unless separate discussion and/or action is requested by a Council Member or member of the audience.) 8. Regular Meeting Minutes of October 12, 2022, of the City Council, Coachella Fire Protection District, Coachella Sanitary District, Coachella Financing Authority, Coachella Educational and Governmental Access Cable Corporation, Coachella Water Authority, and Successor Agency to the Coachella Redevelopment Agency. 9. Voucher Listing — EFT's/Utility Billing Refunds/FY 2022-23 Expenditures as of November 9, 2022, $3,892,472.80. 10. Resolution No. 2022-83 creating and/or updating job positions in the management analyst job position series. 11. Resolution No. 2022-94, acknowledging receipt of a report made by the Fire Chief of the Riverside County Fire Department regarding compliance with the annual inspection of certain occupancies pursuant to sections 13146.2 and 13146.3 of the California Health and Safety Code. 12. Resolution No. 2022-95 Approving and Adopting an Amended Conflict of Interest Code Pursuant to the Political Reform Act of 1974 13. Adopt Resolution No. 2022-98 Authorizing State of California Cannabis Equity Act Grant Funding 14. Resolution No. WA-2022-06 Authorizing Resolution for the Urban Drought 2022 Coachella Water Authority Proposal 15. Quarterly Reports 16. Investment Report – August 2022 17. Approve Lease Agreement with Alianza Coachella Valley, for property located at 1515 Sixth Street, Coachella. 18. Approve execution of Lease between City of Coachella and Desert Community College District for property located at 1538 Seventh Street; authorize non-substantive changes as authorized by City Attorney. 19. Approve Professional Services Agreement between City of Coachella and the Greater Coachella Valley Chamber of Commerce for fiscal year 2022-2023. 20. Authorize the City Manager to execute Professional Services Agreements with City Advisors for On-Call Professional Planning Consultant Services and Add City Advisors to the Official list of On-Call Professional Planning Consultants.
Introduce Ordinance No. 1200, first reading, revising Municipal Code Title 15, Chapter 15.24 for the purpose of adopting the 2022 California State Fire Code.
Introduce Ordinance No. 1201, First Reading, revising Municipal Code Title 15 for the purpose of adopting the 2022 California State Building Codes
Provide staff direction for 2022 Hometown Heroes Honorees.
Additional Item
PUBLIC HEARING CALENDAR (QUASI-JUDICIAL): Tripoli Mixed-Use Project (Proposed Revisions): Resolution No. 2022-96, Amendments to Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 351 and Architectural Review (AR) 22-04 for the PUD (Planned Unit Development) Overlay Zone guidelines, design revisions and modifications to conditions of approval for a mixed-use development consisting of 108 apartment units and 2 retail units on 2.8 acres of vacant C-G (General Commercial) zoned property at the northeast corner of Cesar Chavez Street and Bagdad Avenue (APN# 778-081-003 and -001) Applicant: Chelsea Investment Corporation
Adopt Resolution No. 2022-97 Authorizing the City Manager to Submit an Application to the County of Riverside for the Fiscal Year 2023-24 Community Development Block Grant Program Entitlement Funds in the Amount of $369,000.00 for the City of Coachella Home Enhancement Program
Reports & Requests & Adjournment
REPORTS AND REQUESTS: Council Comments/Report of Miscellaneous Committees. City Manager’s Comments. ADJOURNMENT:
CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: VIRTUAL PUBLIC MEETINGS: 1. Resolution No. 2022-93 a Resolution to Continue Fully or Partially Virtual Public Meetings (AB 361) APPROVAL OF AGENDA: “At this time the Council/ Board/Corporation/Authority may announce any items being pulled from the Agenda or continued to another date or request the moving of an item on the agenda” PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:
2. Recognition of Coachella Valley High School Fall Sports: Cross Country Football Girls Golf Girls Tennis Girls Volleyball 3. Proclamation Recognizing Code Enforcement Officer Appreciation Week 4. Imperial Irrigation District (IID) Energy Assistance Programs 5. Presentation from College of the Desert, PaCE: Free CVAG and CVWD Online Landscaping Certification Training for Landscapers Applying for or Renewing a Business License 6. Landscape and Lighting Maintenance Districts (LLMD) 33 Pocket Park Design 7. Frontier Fiber Project
(It is recommended that Consent Items be acted upon simultaneously unless separate discussion and/or action is requested by a Council Member or member of the audience.) 8. Regular Meeting Minutes of October 12, 2022, of the City Council, Coachella Fire Protection District, Coachella Sanitary District, Coachella Financing Authority, Coachella Educational and Governmental Access Cable Corporation, Coachella Water Authority, and Successor Agency to the Coachella Redevelopment Agency. 9. Voucher Listing — EFT's/Utility Billing Refunds/FY 2022-23 Expenditures as of November 9, 2022, $3,892,472.80. 10. Resolution No. 2022-83 creating and/or updating job positions in the management analyst job position series. 11. Resolution No. 2022-94, acknowledging receipt of a report made by the Fire Chief of the Riverside County Fire Department regarding compliance with the annual inspection of certain occupancies pursuant to sections 13146.2 and 13146.3 of the California Health and Safety Code. 12. Resolution No. 2022-95 Approving and Adopting an Amended Conflict of Interest Code Pursuant to the Political Reform Act of 1974 13. Adopt Resolution No. 2022-98 Authorizing State of California Cannabis Equity Act Grant Funding 14. Resolution No. WA-2022-06 Authorizing Resolution for the Urban Drought 2022 Coachella Water Authority Proposal 15. Quarterly Reports 16. Investment Report – August 2022 17. Approve Lease Agreement with Alianza Coachella Valley, for property located at 1515 Sixth Street, Coachella. 18. Approve execution of Lease between City of Coachella and Desert Community College District for property located at 1538 Seventh Street; authorize non-substantive changes as authorized by City Attorney. 19. Approve Professional Services Agreement between City of Coachella and the Greater Coachella Valley Chamber of Commerce for fiscal year 2022-2023. 20. Authorize the City Manager to execute Professional Services Agreements with City Advisors for On-Call Professional Planning Consultant Services and Add City Advisors to the Official list of On-Call Professional Planning Consultants.
Introduce Ordinance No. 1200, first reading, revising Municipal Code Title 15, Chapter 15.24 for the purpose of adopting the 2022 California State Fire Code.
Introduce Ordinance No. 1201, First Reading, revising Municipal Code Title 15 for the purpose of adopting the 2022 California State Building Codes
Provide staff direction for 2022 Hometown Heroes Honorees.
Additional Item
PUBLIC HEARING CALENDAR (QUASI-JUDICIAL): Tripoli Mixed-Use Project (Proposed Revisions): Resolution No. 2022-96, Amendments to Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 351 and Architectural Review (AR) 22-04 for the PUD (Planned Unit Development) Overlay Zone guidelines, design revisions and modifications to conditions of approval for a mixed-use development consisting of 108 apartment units and 2 retail units on 2.8 acres of vacant C-G (General Commercial) zoned property at the northeast corner of Cesar Chavez Street and Bagdad Avenue (APN# 778-081-003 and -001) Applicant: Chelsea Investment Corporation
Adopt Resolution No. 2022-97 Authorizing the City Manager to Submit an Application to the County of Riverside for the Fiscal Year 2023-24 Community Development Block Grant Program Entitlement Funds in the Amount of $369,000.00 for the City of Coachella Home Enhancement Program
Reports & Requests & Adjournment
REPORTS AND REQUESTS: Council Comments/Report of Miscellaneous Committees. City Manager’s Comments. ADJOURNMENT: