CALL TO ORDER: - 5:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: VIRTUAL PUBLIC MEETINGS: 1. Resolution No. 2022-76 a Resolution to Continue Fully or Partially Virtual Public Meetings (AB 361) APPROVAL OF AGENDA: “At this time the Council/ Board/Corporation/Authority may announce any items being pulled from the Agenda or continued to another date or request the moving of an item on the agenda.” PUBLIC COMMENTS (CLOSED SESSION ITEMS): ADJOURN TO CLOSED SESSION: 2. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS Property: 763-412-040 City Negotiator: City Manager and City Attorney Under Negotiation: Price and Terms
3. Blue Zones Assessment Presentation from the Riverside University Health System 4. Congratulating Borrego Health on the Opening of Their New Coachella Valley Community Health Center in Coachella 5. Presentation on Coronavirus (COVID-19) Response Efforts
(It is recommended that Consent Items be acted upon simultaneously unless separate discussion and/or action is requested by a Council Member or member of the audience.) 6. Regular Meeting Minutes of July 13, 2022, of the City Council, Coachella Fire Protection District, Coachella Sanitary District, Coachella Financing Authority, Coachella Educational and Governmental Access Cable Corporation, Coachella Water Authority, and Successor Agency to the Coachella Redevelopment Agency. 7. Voucher Listing — EFT's/Utility Billing Refunds/FY 2021-22 and 2022-23 Expenditures as of July 27, 2022, $2,206,669.66. 8. Adopt Ordinance No. 1195 (Zoning Ordinance Amendment No. 22-03) Cannabis Business Streamline Code Amendments to amend Coachella Municipal Code Title 5 and 17 regarding cannabis business zoning and operation in the City. City-Initiated (Second Reading). 9. Quarterly Reports - Fourth Quarter FY 2021-2022
NEW BUSINESS CALENDAR (LEGISLATIVE AND ADMINISTRATIVE): Adopt an Annual Budget And Organizational Structure for Fiscal Year 2022-23: a) Resolution No. 2022-47, a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Coachella, California b) Resolution No. WA-2022-04, a Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Coachella Water Authority c) Resolution No. SD-2022-03, a Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Coachella Sanitary District d) Resolution No. FD-2022-03, a Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Coachella Fire Protection District e) Resolution No. CBL-2022-02, a Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Coachella Educational and Governmental Access Cable Channel Corporation
Resolution No. 2022-80, American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (SLFRF) Allocation Agreement for Coachella UBI
Resolution No. 2022-81 approving an Agreement for Exchange of Real Property and Joint Escrow Instructions between the City of Coachella and Imperial Irrigation District to convey fee title of an approximately 3.37-acre electrical substation site located at 86-351 Avenue 52 (APN: 763-131-002) and convey a 30-foot public utility right-of-way over an abutting parcel (APN: 763-131-001), in exchange for an approximately 1.73-acre vacant parcel of land located at the southwest corner of 9th Street and Shady Lane (APN: 778-120-001).
PUBLIC HEARING CALENDAR (QUASI-JUDICIAL): Community Facilities District (CFD No. 2005-01) Annexation 34 – Villa Verde Apartments (Continued from July 13, 2022) a) Adopt Resolution No. 2022-69 Determining the Validity of Prior Proceedings relating to Annexation of Property (Annexation No. 34) in the City of Coachella CFD No. 2005-01 (Law Enforcement, Fire and Paramedic Services). b) Adopt Resolution No. 2022-70 on Behalf of CFD No. 2005-01 Calling a Special Election within Annexation Area No. 34 (Villa Verde Apartment project – APN 768-250-002 and 768-300-001). c) Adopt Resolution No. 2022-71 Canvassing The Results of The Election Held Within CFD No. 2005- 01 (Area No. 34) d) Introduce Ordinance No. 1197 on Behalf of CFD No. 2005-01 Authorizing the Levy of a Special Tax within Annexation Area No. 34 Annexed to Said District (First Reading)
Adopt Resolution No. 2022-74 approving the Fourth Amendment to the Integrated Solid Waste Management Services, between Burrtec Waste and Recycling Services LLC and the City of Coachella, and adopting rates for solid waste collection services.
Adopt Resolution No. 2022-75 authorizing the collection of residential solid waste rates for fiscal year 2022/2023 through the County of Riverside Tax Roll, at the same time and manner as general taxes.
Urban Employment Center General Plan Amendment: a) Resolution No. 2022-78, Addendum to the Coachella General Plan Update EIR; and b) General Plan Amendment No. 22-01 to change the land use designation of an existing 7.8-acre vacant site from “Industrial District” to “Urban Employment Center” located near the southwest corner of Avenue 52 and Industrial Way. c) Ordinance No. 1198 Change of Zone No. 22-02 to change the zoning designation of the 7.8-acre vacant site from “Heavy Industrial” to “Urban Employment Center” located near the southwest corner of Avenue 52 and Industrial Way. City-Initiated. (First Reading)
Rancho Escondido Event Venue: Adopt Resolution No. 2022-79 approving Entertainment Permit No. 22-02 for the Rancho Escondido Event Venue, an outdoor entertainment venue located on an 8.6-acre site at 85321 Avenue 44 (APN# 696-520- 014). Applicant: Leonel Lopez and Margarita Lopez
Adopt Resolution No. SD-2022-04 Authorizing the Collection of Residential Sanitary Sewer Rates for Fiscal Year 2022/2023 Through the County of Riverside Tax Roll
Reports and Requests & Adjournment
REPORTS AND REQUESTS: Council Comments/Report of Miscellaneous Committees. City Manager’s Comments. ADJOURNMENT:
CALL TO ORDER: - 5:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: VIRTUAL PUBLIC MEETINGS: 1. Resolution No. 2022-76 a Resolution to Continue Fully or Partially Virtual Public Meetings (AB 361) APPROVAL OF AGENDA: “At this time the Council/ Board/Corporation/Authority may announce any items being pulled from the Agenda or continued to another date or request the moving of an item on the agenda.” PUBLIC COMMENTS (CLOSED SESSION ITEMS): ADJOURN TO CLOSED SESSION: 2. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS Property: 763-412-040 City Negotiator: City Manager and City Attorney Under Negotiation: Price and Terms
3. Blue Zones Assessment Presentation from the Riverside University Health System 4. Congratulating Borrego Health on the Opening of Their New Coachella Valley Community Health Center in Coachella 5. Presentation on Coronavirus (COVID-19) Response Efforts
(It is recommended that Consent Items be acted upon simultaneously unless separate discussion and/or action is requested by a Council Member or member of the audience.) 6. Regular Meeting Minutes of July 13, 2022, of the City Council, Coachella Fire Protection District, Coachella Sanitary District, Coachella Financing Authority, Coachella Educational and Governmental Access Cable Corporation, Coachella Water Authority, and Successor Agency to the Coachella Redevelopment Agency. 7. Voucher Listing — EFT's/Utility Billing Refunds/FY 2021-22 and 2022-23 Expenditures as of July 27, 2022, $2,206,669.66. 8. Adopt Ordinance No. 1195 (Zoning Ordinance Amendment No. 22-03) Cannabis Business Streamline Code Amendments to amend Coachella Municipal Code Title 5 and 17 regarding cannabis business zoning and operation in the City. City-Initiated (Second Reading). 9. Quarterly Reports - Fourth Quarter FY 2021-2022
NEW BUSINESS CALENDAR (LEGISLATIVE AND ADMINISTRATIVE): Adopt an Annual Budget And Organizational Structure for Fiscal Year 2022-23: a) Resolution No. 2022-47, a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Coachella, California b) Resolution No. WA-2022-04, a Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Coachella Water Authority c) Resolution No. SD-2022-03, a Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Coachella Sanitary District d) Resolution No. FD-2022-03, a Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Coachella Fire Protection District e) Resolution No. CBL-2022-02, a Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Coachella Educational and Governmental Access Cable Channel Corporation
Resolution No. 2022-80, American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (SLFRF) Allocation Agreement for Coachella UBI
Resolution No. 2022-81 approving an Agreement for Exchange of Real Property and Joint Escrow Instructions between the City of Coachella and Imperial Irrigation District to convey fee title of an approximately 3.37-acre electrical substation site located at 86-351 Avenue 52 (APN: 763-131-002) and convey a 30-foot public utility right-of-way over an abutting parcel (APN: 763-131-001), in exchange for an approximately 1.73-acre vacant parcel of land located at the southwest corner of 9th Street and Shady Lane (APN: 778-120-001).
PUBLIC HEARING CALENDAR (QUASI-JUDICIAL): Community Facilities District (CFD No. 2005-01) Annexation 34 – Villa Verde Apartments (Continued from July 13, 2022) a) Adopt Resolution No. 2022-69 Determining the Validity of Prior Proceedings relating to Annexation of Property (Annexation No. 34) in the City of Coachella CFD No. 2005-01 (Law Enforcement, Fire and Paramedic Services). b) Adopt Resolution No. 2022-70 on Behalf of CFD No. 2005-01 Calling a Special Election within Annexation Area No. 34 (Villa Verde Apartment project – APN 768-250-002 and 768-300-001). c) Adopt Resolution No. 2022-71 Canvassing The Results of The Election Held Within CFD No. 2005- 01 (Area No. 34) d) Introduce Ordinance No. 1197 on Behalf of CFD No. 2005-01 Authorizing the Levy of a Special Tax within Annexation Area No. 34 Annexed to Said District (First Reading)
Adopt Resolution No. 2022-74 approving the Fourth Amendment to the Integrated Solid Waste Management Services, between Burrtec Waste and Recycling Services LLC and the City of Coachella, and adopting rates for solid waste collection services.
Adopt Resolution No. 2022-75 authorizing the collection of residential solid waste rates for fiscal year 2022/2023 through the County of Riverside Tax Roll, at the same time and manner as general taxes.
Urban Employment Center General Plan Amendment: a) Resolution No. 2022-78, Addendum to the Coachella General Plan Update EIR; and b) General Plan Amendment No. 22-01 to change the land use designation of an existing 7.8-acre vacant site from “Industrial District” to “Urban Employment Center” located near the southwest corner of Avenue 52 and Industrial Way. c) Ordinance No. 1198 Change of Zone No. 22-02 to change the zoning designation of the 7.8-acre vacant site from “Heavy Industrial” to “Urban Employment Center” located near the southwest corner of Avenue 52 and Industrial Way. City-Initiated. (First Reading)
Rancho Escondido Event Venue: Adopt Resolution No. 2022-79 approving Entertainment Permit No. 22-02 for the Rancho Escondido Event Venue, an outdoor entertainment venue located on an 8.6-acre site at 85321 Avenue 44 (APN# 696-520- 014). Applicant: Leonel Lopez and Margarita Lopez
Adopt Resolution No. SD-2022-04 Authorizing the Collection of Residential Sanitary Sewer Rates for Fiscal Year 2022/2023 Through the County of Riverside Tax Roll
Reports and Requests & Adjournment
REPORTS AND REQUESTS: Council Comments/Report of Miscellaneous Committees. City Manager’s Comments. ADJOURNMENT: