“At this time the Commission may announce any items being pulled from the agenda or continued to another date or request the moving of an item on the agenda.”
1. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes - June 15, 2022
2. Coachella Sunline Transportation Hub (Architectural Review No 21-13) The Sunline Transit Hub will serve as a transit center for Sunline Transit Agency services (Line 111, Line 91, Line 92, Line 95) and will include a 540 sq. ft. breakroom/office building for the use of Sunline Transit Agency staff, three bus shelters, landscape improvements, and a corner focal point for a future public art installation located at the Southeast corner of Cesar Chavez Street and 4th Street. Applicant: Sunline Transit Agency
3. Coachella Lakes RV Resort Update
Public Hearing Calendar (Quasi-Judicial)
4. Freestanding Identification Signs – Coachella Lakes RV Resort Architecture Review No. 22-08 to install a freestanding identification sign at 25’ high and monument sign at 5’ high located at 44800 Dillon Road with the Coachella Lakes RV Resort in the C-T, PUD (Commercial Tourist Planned Unit Development) zone. Imagine Service Inc. (Applicant) 5. Coachella Lakes RV Resort – Type 41 Alcohol Sales Conditional Use Permit No. 353 to allow liquor sales to allow for a Type 41 Alcohol Beverage Control license for “On-Sale Beer & Wine – Eating Place” for an existing facility registration office and a new clubhouse located at 44790 & 44800 Dillon Road and 86401 Sonoma Creek in the C-T, PD (Commercial Tourist Planned Development Overlay) . Coach RV LLC (Applicant) Continued from June 15, 2022 Planning Commission meeting. 6. Development Agreement (Modification) for the Glenroy Resort project consisting of a mixed-use development with 130 resort bungalows, 130 room hotel, conference center, and retail/entertainment uses on approximately 34 acres located at the southeast corner of Avenue 48 and Van Buren Street (APN # 603-220-061, 603-220-065, 603-220-67, 603-220-068, 603-220-069) Applicant: USREC Coachella, LLC. Withdrawal Requested
“At this time the Commission may announce any items being pulled from the agenda or continued to another date or request the moving of an item on the agenda.”
1. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes - June 15, 2022
2. Coachella Sunline Transportation Hub (Architectural Review No 21-13) The Sunline Transit Hub will serve as a transit center for Sunline Transit Agency services (Line 111, Line 91, Line 92, Line 95) and will include a 540 sq. ft. breakroom/office building for the use of Sunline Transit Agency staff, three bus shelters, landscape improvements, and a corner focal point for a future public art installation located at the Southeast corner of Cesar Chavez Street and 4th Street. Applicant: Sunline Transit Agency
3. Coachella Lakes RV Resort Update
Public Hearing Calendar (Quasi-Judicial)
4. Freestanding Identification Signs – Coachella Lakes RV Resort Architecture Review No. 22-08 to install a freestanding identification sign at 25’ high and monument sign at 5’ high located at 44800 Dillon Road with the Coachella Lakes RV Resort in the C-T, PUD (Commercial Tourist Planned Unit Development) zone. Imagine Service Inc. (Applicant) 5. Coachella Lakes RV Resort – Type 41 Alcohol Sales Conditional Use Permit No. 353 to allow liquor sales to allow for a Type 41 Alcohol Beverage Control license for “On-Sale Beer & Wine – Eating Place” for an existing facility registration office and a new clubhouse located at 44790 & 44800 Dillon Road and 86401 Sonoma Creek in the C-T, PD (Commercial Tourist Planned Development Overlay) . Coach RV LLC (Applicant) Continued from June 15, 2022 Planning Commission meeting. 6. Development Agreement (Modification) for the Glenroy Resort project consisting of a mixed-use development with 130 resort bungalows, 130 room hotel, conference center, and retail/entertainment uses on approximately 34 acres located at the southeast corner of Avenue 48 and Van Buren Street (APN # 603-220-061, 603-220-065, 603-220-67, 603-220-068, 603-220-069) Applicant: USREC Coachella, LLC. Withdrawal Requested