Call to Order - Reconvene Regular Meeting
CALL TO ORDER: - 5:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: APPROVAL OF AGENDA: “At this time the Council/ Board/Corporation/Authority may announce any items being pulled from the Agenda or continued to another date or request the moving of an item on the agenda” PUBLIC COMMENTS (CLOSED SESSION ITEMS): ADJOURN TO CLOSED SESSION: 1. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1) City of Coachella v. Gunther Superior Ct. of California, County of Riverside, Palm Springs Division Case No. PSC1805137 RECONVENE REGULAR MEETING: - 6:00 P.M.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 2. Special Meeting Minutes of February 10, 2020, of the City Council, Coachella Fire Protection District, Coachella Sanitary District, Coachella Financing Authority, Coachella Educational and Governmental Access Cable Corporation, Coachella Water Authority, and Successor Agency to the Coachella Redevelopment Agency. 3. Regular Meeting Minutes of February 12, 2020, of the City Council, Coachella Fire Protection District, Coachella Sanitary District, Coachella Financing Authority, Coachella Educational and Governmental Access Cable Corporation, Coachella Water Authority, and Successor Agency to the Coachella Redevelopment Agency.
Recognition of Greater Coachella Valley Chamber of Commerce (GCVCC) President and CEO Joshua Bonner having been named the Executive of the Year for 2019 by the Western Association of Chamber Executives (WACE)
Census 2020: City of Coachella Complete Count Committee Outreach Strategy
Grapefruit Boulevard Urban Greening Project Update Presentation
Mural Installation - Shady Lane Park
Additional Item
(It is recommended that Consent Items be acted upon simultaneously unless separate discussion and/or action is requested by a Council Member or member of the audience.) 8. Voucher Listings — Manual Checks/FY 2019-20 Expenditures as of February 26, 2020, $1,980,296.20. 9. Ordinance No. 1155 approving the La Entrada Development Agreement (First Amendment) to allow additional time to commence construction activities and amend the provisions for affordable housing for the La Entrada Project. PSAV, LLC and LLSE Holdings LLC, Co-Applicants. (Second Reading) 10. Resolution No. 2020-15 granting the first five-year term extension to the La Entrada Development Agreement, pursuant to Section 8.3 of the Agreement which allows the owner to request up to three fiveyear term extensions, provided the owners are not in default of the Agreement. 11. Approve operation of a Beer Garden for the Coachella Mariachi Festival on Saturday, March 28, 2020, from 5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. at Veterans’ Memorial Park. 12. Authorize City Manager to execute a Letter Agreement to Zambelli Fireworks Manufacturing Co. for special event pyrotechnic programming, for the City’s 2020 Fourth of July Event, in the amount of $34,000. 13. Approve a Community Based Grant to El Sol Neighborhood Educational Center in the Amount of $1,000 to Support a Cultural and Educational Workshop Offered by Culturas Music-Arts 14. Approve a Community Based Grant to the Coachella Valley Softball Team at Coachella Valley High School in the Amount of $1,000.00 to Help Offset Travel Expenses Associated with a Softball Competition in Hawaii 15. Investment Report — October, November, and December 2019 16. Execute First Amendment to the Purchase Option Agreement with R.B. Johnson Investments, LLC., for the Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities (AHSC) Program
Approve Resolution No. 2020-16 reducing the Adult Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Park User Fees to mirror Youth MOU Park User Fees and extending Reduced Park Use Fee Schedule through June 30, 2021.
Approve the City to host/sponsor the City of Coachella’s SoCal Cannabis Summit in the Fall of 2020 with funding not to exceed $30,000.
Date Harvest Festival 2020 Sponsorship
Kismet Coachella Dispensary a) Ordinance No. 1146 approving Change of Zone No. 18-07 that proposes to add the RC (Retail Cannabis) overlay zone to the existing C-G (General Commercial) zone on Building 1 located at 1639 and 1645 6th Street. (First Reading) b) Resolution No. 2020-09 approving Conditional Use Permit No. 305 to convert an existing vacant commercial tenant space into a 3,050 square foot cannabis dispensary with 750 square feet for checkin and waiting area, 1800 square feet of retail display area and 500 square feet of rear storage, inventory control and packaging to be located in Building 1 located at 1639 and 1645 6th Street; and a 4,500 square foot coffee shop, art display and office/event space to be located in Building 2 located at 1657 and 1669 6th Street.
Vista Del Agua Specific Plan and EIR a) Resolution No. WA-2020-03 a Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Coachella Water Authority approving the Water Supply Assessment dated November 2017 for the Vista Del Agua Project. b) Resolution No. 2020-02, a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Coachella certifying Environmental Impact Report (SCH # 2015031003) prepared for the Vista Del Agua Specific Plan; the adoption of environmental findings and a mitigation monitoring and reporting program pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act and approving the Vista Del Agua Specific Plan Project. c) Resolution No. 2020-03 a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Coachella approving General Plan Amendment 14-01 on approximately 275 acres (Vista Del Agua Specific Plan) generally located on the south side of Interstate 10 and Vista Del Sur, north of Avenue 48; east of Tyler Street and west of Polk Street. General Plan Amendment 14-01 proposes to amend the General Plan from General Neighborhood, Urban Neighborhood, Suburban Neighborhood, Suburban Retail and Neighborhood Center to Specific Plan. d) Ordinance No. 1156 an Ordinance of the of the City of Coachella approving Change of Zone 14-01 that changes the existing General Commercial (C-G), Residential Single Family (R-S), Manufacturing – Service (M-S) zoning to a Specific Plan zone. (First Reading) e) Ordinance No. 1157, an Ordinance of the City of Coachella approving the Vista Del Agua Specific Plan 14-01 that proposes residential, commercial, open space and park land uses along with development standards and design guidelines for the development of approximately 275 acres. (First Reading) f) Resolution No. 2020-04, a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Coachella approving Tentative Parcel Map 36872 to subdivide 275 acres into six numbered lots and one lettered lot for financing and conveyance purposes only.
Reports and Requests & Adjournment
REPORTS AND REQUESTS: Council Comments/Report of Miscellaneous Committees. City Manager’s Comments. ADJOURNMENT:
Call to Order - Reconvene Regular Meeting
CALL TO ORDER: - 5:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: APPROVAL OF AGENDA: “At this time the Council/ Board/Corporation/Authority may announce any items being pulled from the Agenda or continued to another date or request the moving of an item on the agenda” PUBLIC COMMENTS (CLOSED SESSION ITEMS): ADJOURN TO CLOSED SESSION: 1. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1) City of Coachella v. Gunther Superior Ct. of California, County of Riverside, Palm Springs Division Case No. PSC1805137 RECONVENE REGULAR MEETING: - 6:00 P.M.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 2. Special Meeting Minutes of February 10, 2020, of the City Council, Coachella Fire Protection District, Coachella Sanitary District, Coachella Financing Authority, Coachella Educational and Governmental Access Cable Corporation, Coachella Water Authority, and Successor Agency to the Coachella Redevelopment Agency. 3. Regular Meeting Minutes of February 12, 2020, of the City Council, Coachella Fire Protection District, Coachella Sanitary District, Coachella Financing Authority, Coachella Educational and Governmental Access Cable Corporation, Coachella Water Authority, and Successor Agency to the Coachella Redevelopment Agency.
Recognition of Greater Coachella Valley Chamber of Commerce (GCVCC) President and CEO Joshua Bonner having been named the Executive of the Year for 2019 by the Western Association of Chamber Executives (WACE)
Census 2020: City of Coachella Complete Count Committee Outreach Strategy
Grapefruit Boulevard Urban Greening Project Update Presentation
Mural Installation - Shady Lane Park
Additional Item
(It is recommended that Consent Items be acted upon simultaneously unless separate discussion and/or action is requested by a Council Member or member of the audience.) 8. Voucher Listings — Manual Checks/FY 2019-20 Expenditures as of February 26, 2020, $1,980,296.20. 9. Ordinance No. 1155 approving the La Entrada Development Agreement (First Amendment) to allow additional time to commence construction activities and amend the provisions for affordable housing for the La Entrada Project. PSAV, LLC and LLSE Holdings LLC, Co-Applicants. (Second Reading) 10. Resolution No. 2020-15 granting the first five-year term extension to the La Entrada Development Agreement, pursuant to Section 8.3 of the Agreement which allows the owner to request up to three fiveyear term extensions, provided the owners are not in default of the Agreement. 11. Approve operation of a Beer Garden for the Coachella Mariachi Festival on Saturday, March 28, 2020, from 5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. at Veterans’ Memorial Park. 12. Authorize City Manager to execute a Letter Agreement to Zambelli Fireworks Manufacturing Co. for special event pyrotechnic programming, for the City’s 2020 Fourth of July Event, in the amount of $34,000. 13. Approve a Community Based Grant to El Sol Neighborhood Educational Center in the Amount of $1,000 to Support a Cultural and Educational Workshop Offered by Culturas Music-Arts 14. Approve a Community Based Grant to the Coachella Valley Softball Team at Coachella Valley High School in the Amount of $1,000.00 to Help Offset Travel Expenses Associated with a Softball Competition in Hawaii 15. Investment Report — October, November, and December 2019 16. Execute First Amendment to the Purchase Option Agreement with R.B. Johnson Investments, LLC., for the Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities (AHSC) Program
Approve Resolution No. 2020-16 reducing the Adult Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Park User Fees to mirror Youth MOU Park User Fees and extending Reduced Park Use Fee Schedule through June 30, 2021.
Approve the City to host/sponsor the City of Coachella’s SoCal Cannabis Summit in the Fall of 2020 with funding not to exceed $30,000.
Date Harvest Festival 2020 Sponsorship
Kismet Coachella Dispensary a) Ordinance No. 1146 approving Change of Zone No. 18-07 that proposes to add the RC (Retail Cannabis) overlay zone to the existing C-G (General Commercial) zone on Building 1 located at 1639 and 1645 6th Street. (First Reading) b) Resolution No. 2020-09 approving Conditional Use Permit No. 305 to convert an existing vacant commercial tenant space into a 3,050 square foot cannabis dispensary with 750 square feet for checkin and waiting area, 1800 square feet of retail display area and 500 square feet of rear storage, inventory control and packaging to be located in Building 1 located at 1639 and 1645 6th Street; and a 4,500 square foot coffee shop, art display and office/event space to be located in Building 2 located at 1657 and 1669 6th Street.
Vista Del Agua Specific Plan and EIR a) Resolution No. WA-2020-03 a Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Coachella Water Authority approving the Water Supply Assessment dated November 2017 for the Vista Del Agua Project. b) Resolution No. 2020-02, a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Coachella certifying Environmental Impact Report (SCH # 2015031003) prepared for the Vista Del Agua Specific Plan; the adoption of environmental findings and a mitigation monitoring and reporting program pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act and approving the Vista Del Agua Specific Plan Project. c) Resolution No. 2020-03 a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Coachella approving General Plan Amendment 14-01 on approximately 275 acres (Vista Del Agua Specific Plan) generally located on the south side of Interstate 10 and Vista Del Sur, north of Avenue 48; east of Tyler Street and west of Polk Street. General Plan Amendment 14-01 proposes to amend the General Plan from General Neighborhood, Urban Neighborhood, Suburban Neighborhood, Suburban Retail and Neighborhood Center to Specific Plan. d) Ordinance No. 1156 an Ordinance of the of the City of Coachella approving Change of Zone 14-01 that changes the existing General Commercial (C-G), Residential Single Family (R-S), Manufacturing – Service (M-S) zoning to a Specific Plan zone. (First Reading) e) Ordinance No. 1157, an Ordinance of the City of Coachella approving the Vista Del Agua Specific Plan 14-01 that proposes residential, commercial, open space and park land uses along with development standards and design guidelines for the development of approximately 275 acres. (First Reading) f) Resolution No. 2020-04, a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Coachella approving Tentative Parcel Map 36872 to subdivide 275 acres into six numbered lots and one lettered lot for financing and conveyance purposes only.
Reports and Requests & Adjournment
REPORTS AND REQUESTS: Council Comments/Report of Miscellaneous Committees. City Manager’s Comments. ADJOURNMENT: