1. Call To Order: 2. Roll Call: 3. Pledge Of Allegiance: 4. Approval Of Agenda: “At this time the Council/Board/Corporation/Authority may announce any items being pulled from the agenda or continued to another date or request the moving of an item on the agenda.”
Approval Of The Minutes: a. Regular Meeting of March 14, 2018, of the City Council, Coachella Fire Protection District, Coachella Sanitary District, Coachella Financing Authority, Coachella Educational and Governmental Access Cable Corporation, Coachella Water Authority, and Successor Agency to the Coachella Redevelopment Agency.
Proclamations/Presentations: a. 2018 May is Mental Health Month b. DMV/Donate Life California Month c. Eastern Coachella Valley Pride d. Coachella Sanitary District Awarded 2017 Plant of the Year
(It is recommended that Consent items be acted upon simultaneously unless separate discussion and/or action are requested by a Council Member or Member of the Audience.) a. Voucher Listings — Manual Checks/Utility Billing Refunds/FY 2017-18 Expenditures as of April 11, 2018, $3,413,445.85. b. Resolution No. 2018-23 Approving the Application for Grant Funds for California Climate Investments Urban Greening Program for the Grapefruit Boulevard Greening Project c. 2017-2018 Investment Policy: 1. Resolution No. 2018-27 a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Coachella 2. Resolution No. WA-2018-01, a Resolution of the Coachella Water Authority 3. Resolution No. SD-2018-02, a Resolution of the Coachella Sanitary District 4. Resolution No. FD-2018-01, a Resolution of the Coachella Fire Protection District 5. Resolution No. CBL-2018-01, a Resolution of the Coachella Education and Government Access Cable Channel Corporation d. Approve Cooperative Agreement for continued Fire Services between the City of Coachella and the Riverside County Fire Department. e. Approve a Community Based Grant to Coachella Valley Volunteers in Medicine in the Amount of $1,000.00 f. Approve a Community Based Grant to the Coachella Valley High School Athletics Club in the Amount of $600.00 so the City of Coachella can be Featured as a Sponsor at All Sporting Events through Academic Year 2018-19 g. Approve a Community Based Grant to the Coachella Youth Baseball and Softball Association in the Amount of $1,000.00 to Purchase Baseball and Softball Equipment h. Investment Report - December 2017 i. Approve the Multi Agency Participating Agreement for the Coachella Valley Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization Program j. Authorize the City Manager to execute a Production Agreement with PyroSpectaculars for Special Event Pyrotechnic Programming, for the City's Fourth of July Event, in the amount of $25,000. k. Receive and file 2015 and 2016 sports league financial examination report for Coachella Youth Sports Association Soccer (CYSAS), and Coachella Valley Raiders Youth Football Association (CVRYFA). l. Approve Issuance of Notice to Terminate American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) Affiliation Agreement. m. Property Acquisition Agreement for Real Property in the Amount of $54,600.00 for APN 763-090-001 (Chen/East West LLC.)
New Business Calendar (Legislative And Administrative): Resolution No. 2018-24, a Reconsideration of a $60.00 Fee Established at the City Council Meeting of February 28, 2018, for the Registration and Regulation of Short-term Vacation Rentals, and Rescind Resolution No. 2018-15 in Its Entirety.
Resolution Nos. 2018-25 and 2018-26, Resolutions of Intention of the City of Coachella to Establish Community Facilities District No. 2018-1 of the City of Coachella (Glenroy) and to Incur Bonded Indebtedness in an Amount Not to Exceed $8,000,000
Amendment to Committee Member assignment to the Imperial Irrigation District (IID) Energy Consumers Advisory Committee (ECAC).
Professional Service Agreement with Transpo Group in an amount of $45,000.00 to prepare/update the City's Active Transportation Plan
Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Construction Change Order in the Amount of $128,677.00 with All American Asphalt for additional paving on SRTSL-5294 (012) Safe Routes To School Cycle-3 Project No. ST-66.
Public Hearing Calendar (Quasi-Judicial): First Reading and Public Hearing for Ordinance 1121 amending the Municipal Code Chapter 10 to include Dillon Road between Harrison Place and Avenue 44 as a No Parking Zone.
Change of Zone No. 18-01, Conditional Use Permit No. 296, and Glenroy Resort Development Agreement (Modification) affecting 20,000 square feet of land to allow a 3,250 square foot retail cannabis microbusiness at 84-160 Avenue 48.
Public Comments (Non-Agenda Items): “The public may address the City Council/Board/Corporation/Authority on any item of interest to the public that is not on the agenda, but is within the subject matter jurisdiction thereof. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes.”
12. Reports And Requests: a. Council Comments/Report of Miscellaneous Committees. b. City Manager's Comments. 13. Adjournment:
1. Call To Order: 2. Roll Call: 3. Pledge Of Allegiance: 4. Approval Of Agenda: “At this time the Council/Board/Corporation/Authority may announce any items being pulled from the agenda or continued to another date or request the moving of an item on the agenda.”
Approval Of The Minutes: a. Regular Meeting of March 14, 2018, of the City Council, Coachella Fire Protection District, Coachella Sanitary District, Coachella Financing Authority, Coachella Educational and Governmental Access Cable Corporation, Coachella Water Authority, and Successor Agency to the Coachella Redevelopment Agency.
Proclamations/Presentations: a. 2018 May is Mental Health Month b. DMV/Donate Life California Month c. Eastern Coachella Valley Pride d. Coachella Sanitary District Awarded 2017 Plant of the Year
(It is recommended that Consent items be acted upon simultaneously unless separate discussion and/or action are requested by a Council Member or Member of the Audience.) a. Voucher Listings — Manual Checks/Utility Billing Refunds/FY 2017-18 Expenditures as of April 11, 2018, $3,413,445.85. b. Resolution No. 2018-23 Approving the Application for Grant Funds for California Climate Investments Urban Greening Program for the Grapefruit Boulevard Greening Project c. 2017-2018 Investment Policy: 1. Resolution No. 2018-27 a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Coachella 2. Resolution No. WA-2018-01, a Resolution of the Coachella Water Authority 3. Resolution No. SD-2018-02, a Resolution of the Coachella Sanitary District 4. Resolution No. FD-2018-01, a Resolution of the Coachella Fire Protection District 5. Resolution No. CBL-2018-01, a Resolution of the Coachella Education and Government Access Cable Channel Corporation d. Approve Cooperative Agreement for continued Fire Services between the City of Coachella and the Riverside County Fire Department. e. Approve a Community Based Grant to Coachella Valley Volunteers in Medicine in the Amount of $1,000.00 f. Approve a Community Based Grant to the Coachella Valley High School Athletics Club in the Amount of $600.00 so the City of Coachella can be Featured as a Sponsor at All Sporting Events through Academic Year 2018-19 g. Approve a Community Based Grant to the Coachella Youth Baseball and Softball Association in the Amount of $1,000.00 to Purchase Baseball and Softball Equipment h. Investment Report - December 2017 i. Approve the Multi Agency Participating Agreement for the Coachella Valley Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization Program j. Authorize the City Manager to execute a Production Agreement with PyroSpectaculars for Special Event Pyrotechnic Programming, for the City's Fourth of July Event, in the amount of $25,000. k. Receive and file 2015 and 2016 sports league financial examination report for Coachella Youth Sports Association Soccer (CYSAS), and Coachella Valley Raiders Youth Football Association (CVRYFA). l. Approve Issuance of Notice to Terminate American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) Affiliation Agreement. m. Property Acquisition Agreement for Real Property in the Amount of $54,600.00 for APN 763-090-001 (Chen/East West LLC.)
New Business Calendar (Legislative And Administrative): Resolution No. 2018-24, a Reconsideration of a $60.00 Fee Established at the City Council Meeting of February 28, 2018, for the Registration and Regulation of Short-term Vacation Rentals, and Rescind Resolution No. 2018-15 in Its Entirety.
Resolution Nos. 2018-25 and 2018-26, Resolutions of Intention of the City of Coachella to Establish Community Facilities District No. 2018-1 of the City of Coachella (Glenroy) and to Incur Bonded Indebtedness in an Amount Not to Exceed $8,000,000
Amendment to Committee Member assignment to the Imperial Irrigation District (IID) Energy Consumers Advisory Committee (ECAC).
Professional Service Agreement with Transpo Group in an amount of $45,000.00 to prepare/update the City's Active Transportation Plan
Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Construction Change Order in the Amount of $128,677.00 with All American Asphalt for additional paving on SRTSL-5294 (012) Safe Routes To School Cycle-3 Project No. ST-66.
Public Hearing Calendar (Quasi-Judicial): First Reading and Public Hearing for Ordinance 1121 amending the Municipal Code Chapter 10 to include Dillon Road between Harrison Place and Avenue 44 as a No Parking Zone.
Change of Zone No. 18-01, Conditional Use Permit No. 296, and Glenroy Resort Development Agreement (Modification) affecting 20,000 square feet of land to allow a 3,250 square foot retail cannabis microbusiness at 84-160 Avenue 48.
Public Comments (Non-Agenda Items): “The public may address the City Council/Board/Corporation/Authority on any item of interest to the public that is not on the agenda, but is within the subject matter jurisdiction thereof. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes.”
12. Reports And Requests: a. Council Comments/Report of Miscellaneous Committees. b. City Manager's Comments. 13. Adjournment: