1. Call To Order: 2. Pledge Of Allegiance: 3. Roll Call: 4. Approval Of Agenda: “At this time the Council/Board/Corporation/Authority may announce any items being pulled from the agenda or continued to another date or request the moving of an item on the agenda.” 5. Approval Of The Minutes: a. Regular Meeting of September 14, 2016, of the City Council, Coachella Fire Protection District, Coachella Sanitary District, Coachella Financing Authority, Coachella Educational and Governmental Access Cable Corporation, Coachella Water Authority, and Successor Agency to the Coachella Redevelopment Agency.
Proclamations/Presentations: a. Update by Bob Wright on the East Valley Coalition (EVC) b. Presentation by Joe Wallace on the Coachella Valley Economic Partnership (CVEP) c. Update on Landscape and Lighting Maintenance Districts (LLMDs) 7. Written Communications:
Consent Calendar: (It is recommended that Consent items be acted upon simultaneously unless separate discussion and/or action are requested by a Council Member or Member of the Audience.) a. Voucher Listings- Manual Checks/Utility Billing Refunds/FY 2016-17 Expenditures as of September 28, 2016, $587,578.88. b. Ordinance No. 1095 amending Section 5.05.010 of the Municipal Code Requiring Landscape-Related Businesses to Complete a Course on Water Efficiency (Second Reading). c.Resolution No. 2016-43, Recommendation to Increase Vehicle Impound Cost Recovery Fees (VICR) d. Change Order #1 in the amount of $46,546.00 of a Pre-Fabricated Restroom Building for Modifications and Added Exterior Finishes to the Building for Veterans Memorial Park. e. Approve award of maintenance agreement to Vintage Landscape, in the amount not to exceed $70,000; authorizing the City Attorney to make minor nonsubstantive changes.
New Business Calendar (Legislative And Administrative): Resolution No. 2016-48 of the City Council of the City of Coachella approving the intention to annex property into City of Coachella Community Facilities District No. 2005-01 (Law Enforcement, Fire and Paramedic Services) and authorizing the levy of a special tax within Annexation Area No. 29 (Tract Map 37088).
Pueblo Viejo Implementation Strategy Plan
Public Hearing Calendar (Quasi-Judicial): a. Notice of Intent to Remove a Marked Crosswalk on Avenue 52 between Nelson and Date Avenues.
Public Comments: “The public may address the City Council/Board/Corporation/Authority on any item of interest to the public that is not on the agenda, but is within the subject matter jurisdiction thereof. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes.”
Reports And Requests: a. Council Comments/Report of Miscellaneous Committees. 1. Council Report on City Subcommittees b. City Manager's Comments.
13. CLOSED SESSION: a. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Initiation of Litigation Pursuant to Government Code, Section 54956.9(d)(4) Five Potential Cases 14. CLOSED SESSION ANNOUNCEMENTS: 15. ADJOURNMENT:
1. Call To Order: 2. Pledge Of Allegiance: 3. Roll Call: 4. Approval Of Agenda: “At this time the Council/Board/Corporation/Authority may announce any items being pulled from the agenda or continued to another date or request the moving of an item on the agenda.” 5. Approval Of The Minutes: a. Regular Meeting of September 14, 2016, of the City Council, Coachella Fire Protection District, Coachella Sanitary District, Coachella Financing Authority, Coachella Educational and Governmental Access Cable Corporation, Coachella Water Authority, and Successor Agency to the Coachella Redevelopment Agency.
Proclamations/Presentations: a. Update by Bob Wright on the East Valley Coalition (EVC) b. Presentation by Joe Wallace on the Coachella Valley Economic Partnership (CVEP) c. Update on Landscape and Lighting Maintenance Districts (LLMDs) 7. Written Communications:
Consent Calendar: (It is recommended that Consent items be acted upon simultaneously unless separate discussion and/or action are requested by a Council Member or Member of the Audience.) a. Voucher Listings- Manual Checks/Utility Billing Refunds/FY 2016-17 Expenditures as of September 28, 2016, $587,578.88. b. Ordinance No. 1095 amending Section 5.05.010 of the Municipal Code Requiring Landscape-Related Businesses to Complete a Course on Water Efficiency (Second Reading). c.Resolution No. 2016-43, Recommendation to Increase Vehicle Impound Cost Recovery Fees (VICR) d. Change Order #1 in the amount of $46,546.00 of a Pre-Fabricated Restroom Building for Modifications and Added Exterior Finishes to the Building for Veterans Memorial Park. e. Approve award of maintenance agreement to Vintage Landscape, in the amount not to exceed $70,000; authorizing the City Attorney to make minor nonsubstantive changes.
New Business Calendar (Legislative And Administrative): Resolution No. 2016-48 of the City Council of the City of Coachella approving the intention to annex property into City of Coachella Community Facilities District No. 2005-01 (Law Enforcement, Fire and Paramedic Services) and authorizing the levy of a special tax within Annexation Area No. 29 (Tract Map 37088).
Pueblo Viejo Implementation Strategy Plan
Public Hearing Calendar (Quasi-Judicial): a. Notice of Intent to Remove a Marked Crosswalk on Avenue 52 between Nelson and Date Avenues.
Public Comments: “The public may address the City Council/Board/Corporation/Authority on any item of interest to the public that is not on the agenda, but is within the subject matter jurisdiction thereof. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes.”
Reports And Requests: a. Council Comments/Report of Miscellaneous Committees. 1. Council Report on City Subcommittees b. City Manager's Comments.
13. CLOSED SESSION: a. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Initiation of Litigation Pursuant to Government Code, Section 54956.9(d)(4) Five Potential Cases 14. CLOSED SESSION ANNOUNCEMENTS: 15. ADJOURNMENT: