1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 3. ROLL CALL: 4. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: “At this time the Council/Board/Corporation/Authority may announce any items being pulled from the agenda or continued to another date or request the moving of an item on the agenda.” 5. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: a. Regular Meeting of July 27, 2016, of the City Council, Coachella Fire Protection District, Coachella Sanitary District, Coachella Financing Authority, Coachella Educational and Governmental Access Cable Corporation, Coachella Water Authority, and Successor Agency to the Coachella Redevelopment Agency. b. Special Meeting of September 7, 2016, of the City Council, Coachella Fire Protection District, Coachella Sanitary District, Coachella Financing Authority, Coachella Educational and Governmental Access Cable Corporation, Coachella Water Authority, and Successor Agency to the Coachella Redevelopment Agency.
PROCLAMATIONS/PRESENTATIONS: a. Commemoration of Service of Former Mayor Richard Macknicki
Additional Item
a. Voucher Listings- Manual Checks/Utility Billing Refunds/FY 2015-16 and FY 2016-17 Expenditures as of September 14, 2016, $4,391,721.13. b. Ordinance No. 1092 amending sections 8.60.060 and 8.64.060 of the Coachella Municipal Code regarding the proper security of abandoned and vacant properties. (Second Reading) c. Ordinance No. 1093, adding Chapter 17.91 to the Coachella Zoning Code to Prohibit Commercial Animal Breeding within the City of Coachella. (Second Reading) d. Ordinance No. 1094, Adopting a Revised Version of Title 6 of the Riverside County Code Relating to Animal Control. City-Initiated. (Second Reading) e. Resolution No. 2016-41 Approving the Creation and Funding for a Full-Time Building Inspector II Position in the Community Development Department f. Authorize the City Manager to execute the Supplemental Agreement for use of FY 16-17 Community Development Block Grant Funds in the amount of $344,662 towards funding two new Code Enforcement positions: Code Enforcement Technician and Code Enforcement Aide. g. Resolution No. 2016-42 Approving the Creation of Two New Code Enforcement Positions: Code Enforcement Aide and Code Enforcement Technician h. Resolution No. 2016-44 Approving the Purchase of ExecuTime Time and Attendance Software i. Resolution No. 2016-45, Pledged Revenues and Funds Resolution for Funding Application for Drinking Water State Revolving Funds j. Resolution No. 2016-49, a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Coachella, California, Authorizing an Intra Fund Transfer from the General Fund to the Library Impact Fee Fund for Construction Management Consulting Services for the New Library Project; Professional Service Agreement with ARCADIS in an amount not to exceed $300,000.00 for Construction Management Consultant Services for the Coachella Library Project. k. Investment Report - March 2016 l. Investment Report - April 2016 m. Investment Report - May 2016 n. Investment Report - June 2016 o. Authorize the City Manager to execute the Interlocal Agreement for the 2016 Justice Assistance Grant Funding. p. Authorize the City Manager to execute the Fourth Amendment to SunLine Joint Powers Transportation Agency Agreement. q. Consideration of a Community Based Grant from Ears4Me in the Amount of $1,000.00 to Purchase Hearing Amplifiers r. Professional Services Agreement with Minagar & Associates, Inc. to provide Professional Design Services for the Active Transportation Program, ATP Cycle 1 - City Project ST-86. s. Request for Letter of Public Convenience and Necessity for 99 Cent Only Stores located at 50- 249 Harrison Street. Steve Rawlings, Applicant. t. Authorize the submittal of the COLMAC Air Quality Enhancement Fund grant application to the County of Riverside u. First Amendment to Professional Service Agreement with KOA Planning & Engineering, in an amount of $88,941 to provide Additional Design Engineering Services and Partial Field Inspection for the construction of Traffic Signal Synchronization Project, City Project ST-68. v. Notice of Completion - Landscape Improvements Tierra Bonita; City Project No. P-22 w. Construction Contract with Granite Construction Company for Tyler Street/Avenue 52 Street Improvements, City Project No. ST-97-2016-05/ST-96-2016-04 in the amount of $810,694.00 plus 10% contingency. x. Notice of Completion - Van Buren Sidewalk Improvement Project ST-75-2016-06 y. Authorize submission of the City's FY 2016-17 Unsolicited First 5 Grant Application and execution of all related documents z. Authorize the following for the Annual 16th of September "El Grito" event at Rancho Las Flores Park: operation of a beer/margarita garden by the Greater Coachella Valley Chamber of Commerce. aa. Approve Amendment Four to the AB2766 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Coachella Valley Association of Governments and City of Coachella. ab. Construction Contract for The Traffic Calming Project Phase II in the amount not to exceed $104,000.00 for The Construction of Speed Humps at various locations throughout the City including contingency, City project No. ST-103 ac. Design Build Agreement with ProWest Constructors/gkkworks for the construction of the New Coachella Library.
NEW BUSINESS CALENDAR (LEGISLATIVE AND ADMINISTRATIVE): Ordinance No. 1095 proposing an amendment to Section 5.05.010 of the Municipal Code Requiring Landscape-Related Businesses to Complete a Course on Water Efficiency (First Reading).
Resolution No. WA-2016-06 of the Board of Directors of the Coachella Water Authority Recognizing the "Imagine a Day without Water" campaign
Approve Dillon Road Joint Powers Authority Agreement and Appoint Two Members to the Board of Directors
A. Resolution No. SA-2016-04 approving an a Revised Assignment of Buyer's Interest to R. B. Johnson Investments, LLC for the disposition of two (2) vacant surplus lots previously owned by the Coachella Redevelopment Agency for a sales price of $195,000.00 (APN's 778-080-005 & 778-071-005).
PUBLIC COMMENTS: “The public may address the City Council/Board/Corporation/Authority on any item of interest to the public that is not on the agenda, but is within the subject matter jurisdiction thereof. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes.”
13. REPORTS AND REQUESTS: a. Council Comments/Report of Miscellaneous Committees. 1. Council Report on City Subcommittees b. City Manager's Comments. 16. ADJOURNMENT:
1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 3. ROLL CALL: 4. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: “At this time the Council/Board/Corporation/Authority may announce any items being pulled from the agenda or continued to another date or request the moving of an item on the agenda.” 5. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: a. Regular Meeting of July 27, 2016, of the City Council, Coachella Fire Protection District, Coachella Sanitary District, Coachella Financing Authority, Coachella Educational and Governmental Access Cable Corporation, Coachella Water Authority, and Successor Agency to the Coachella Redevelopment Agency. b. Special Meeting of September 7, 2016, of the City Council, Coachella Fire Protection District, Coachella Sanitary District, Coachella Financing Authority, Coachella Educational and Governmental Access Cable Corporation, Coachella Water Authority, and Successor Agency to the Coachella Redevelopment Agency.
PROCLAMATIONS/PRESENTATIONS: a. Commemoration of Service of Former Mayor Richard Macknicki
Additional Item
a. Voucher Listings- Manual Checks/Utility Billing Refunds/FY 2015-16 and FY 2016-17 Expenditures as of September 14, 2016, $4,391,721.13. b. Ordinance No. 1092 amending sections 8.60.060 and 8.64.060 of the Coachella Municipal Code regarding the proper security of abandoned and vacant properties. (Second Reading) c. Ordinance No. 1093, adding Chapter 17.91 to the Coachella Zoning Code to Prohibit Commercial Animal Breeding within the City of Coachella. (Second Reading) d. Ordinance No. 1094, Adopting a Revised Version of Title 6 of the Riverside County Code Relating to Animal Control. City-Initiated. (Second Reading) e. Resolution No. 2016-41 Approving the Creation and Funding for a Full-Time Building Inspector II Position in the Community Development Department f. Authorize the City Manager to execute the Supplemental Agreement for use of FY 16-17 Community Development Block Grant Funds in the amount of $344,662 towards funding two new Code Enforcement positions: Code Enforcement Technician and Code Enforcement Aide. g. Resolution No. 2016-42 Approving the Creation of Two New Code Enforcement Positions: Code Enforcement Aide and Code Enforcement Technician h. Resolution No. 2016-44 Approving the Purchase of ExecuTime Time and Attendance Software i. Resolution No. 2016-45, Pledged Revenues and Funds Resolution for Funding Application for Drinking Water State Revolving Funds j. Resolution No. 2016-49, a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Coachella, California, Authorizing an Intra Fund Transfer from the General Fund to the Library Impact Fee Fund for Construction Management Consulting Services for the New Library Project; Professional Service Agreement with ARCADIS in an amount not to exceed $300,000.00 for Construction Management Consultant Services for the Coachella Library Project. k. Investment Report - March 2016 l. Investment Report - April 2016 m. Investment Report - May 2016 n. Investment Report - June 2016 o. Authorize the City Manager to execute the Interlocal Agreement for the 2016 Justice Assistance Grant Funding. p. Authorize the City Manager to execute the Fourth Amendment to SunLine Joint Powers Transportation Agency Agreement. q. Consideration of a Community Based Grant from Ears4Me in the Amount of $1,000.00 to Purchase Hearing Amplifiers r. Professional Services Agreement with Minagar & Associates, Inc. to provide Professional Design Services for the Active Transportation Program, ATP Cycle 1 - City Project ST-86. s. Request for Letter of Public Convenience and Necessity for 99 Cent Only Stores located at 50- 249 Harrison Street. Steve Rawlings, Applicant. t. Authorize the submittal of the COLMAC Air Quality Enhancement Fund grant application to the County of Riverside u. First Amendment to Professional Service Agreement with KOA Planning & Engineering, in an amount of $88,941 to provide Additional Design Engineering Services and Partial Field Inspection for the construction of Traffic Signal Synchronization Project, City Project ST-68. v. Notice of Completion - Landscape Improvements Tierra Bonita; City Project No. P-22 w. Construction Contract with Granite Construction Company for Tyler Street/Avenue 52 Street Improvements, City Project No. ST-97-2016-05/ST-96-2016-04 in the amount of $810,694.00 plus 10% contingency. x. Notice of Completion - Van Buren Sidewalk Improvement Project ST-75-2016-06 y. Authorize submission of the City's FY 2016-17 Unsolicited First 5 Grant Application and execution of all related documents z. Authorize the following for the Annual 16th of September "El Grito" event at Rancho Las Flores Park: operation of a beer/margarita garden by the Greater Coachella Valley Chamber of Commerce. aa. Approve Amendment Four to the AB2766 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Coachella Valley Association of Governments and City of Coachella. ab. Construction Contract for The Traffic Calming Project Phase II in the amount not to exceed $104,000.00 for The Construction of Speed Humps at various locations throughout the City including contingency, City project No. ST-103 ac. Design Build Agreement with ProWest Constructors/gkkworks for the construction of the New Coachella Library.
NEW BUSINESS CALENDAR (LEGISLATIVE AND ADMINISTRATIVE): Ordinance No. 1095 proposing an amendment to Section 5.05.010 of the Municipal Code Requiring Landscape-Related Businesses to Complete a Course on Water Efficiency (First Reading).
Resolution No. WA-2016-06 of the Board of Directors of the Coachella Water Authority Recognizing the "Imagine a Day without Water" campaign
Approve Dillon Road Joint Powers Authority Agreement and Appoint Two Members to the Board of Directors
A. Resolution No. SA-2016-04 approving an a Revised Assignment of Buyer's Interest to R. B. Johnson Investments, LLC for the disposition of two (2) vacant surplus lots previously owned by the Coachella Redevelopment Agency for a sales price of $195,000.00 (APN's 778-080-005 & 778-071-005).
PUBLIC COMMENTS: “The public may address the City Council/Board/Corporation/Authority on any item of interest to the public that is not on the agenda, but is within the subject matter jurisdiction thereof. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes.”
13. REPORTS AND REQUESTS: a. Council Comments/Report of Miscellaneous Committees. 1. Council Report on City Subcommittees b. City Manager's Comments. 16. ADJOURNMENT: